Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex is a quaint but chic-looking cat, having a long narrow head with a prominent Roman nose, large flared ears and a muscular body rather akin to that of a Greyhound. Its spectacular crimped coat looks and feels like cut velvet.
The Cornish Rex is an intelligent and playful cat with boundless curiosity and makes an enchanting pet for gentle children. It craves human company and affection and gets on well with other cats and dogs.
The only problem with a Cornish Rex is that it has such a mind of its own, it is intelligent enough to get up to mischief no doubt knowing it is being naughty. But once people have owned a Cornish Rex, they seldom go back to another breed.
Its intelligence makes it adapt easily to car travel, moving house and apartment living, and it is an ideal pet for elderly people as well as families.
Their low allergenic "Poodle-type" coat is low maintenance and sheds minimally and means that many asthma or allergy suffers who are unable to enjoy ownership of other breeds, may be able to live with a Rex. The Rex's coat is extremely low maintenance but as it does not afford the same protection as a normal coat, these cats do need to be kept warm and dry. To compensate for their lack of guard hairs, the Cornish Rex has a slightly higher surface body temperature than other breeds - making them wonderful lap and foot warmers.


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