Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The Oriental is an entertaining livewire who completely captivates all who come under its spell, for it is a breed blessed with great charisma and character and one which lives life in the fast lane!
Inquisitive, intelligent and self-assured it insists on participating in family activities. The personality of the Oriental is identical to that of the Siamese. Like Siamese, they are intelligent, resourceful and companionable with demanding, extroverted personalities. They like to "talk" and breeders tend to say their voices are slightly quieter than their siblings from Siam.
Their svelte, super sleek conformation and stylised elegance combine with a host of colours. Some of the more popular colours include the brown Oriental (or Havana Brown), the black Oriental (or Ebony), the blue Oriental and the lavender Oriental. As well as the solid colours, there is a whole range of patterns: tortoiseshell, tabby, spotted and ticked.
The term "Oriental Shorthair" encompasses all the cats with a Siamese body shape that are not "pointed". Orientals have much to recommend them as pets. Sassy and sleek, the Oriental is certainly a cat with mystique.


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