Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Russian Blue

The Russian Blue, with its vivid green eyes, long thin body and distinctive double coat, is one of the most coveted of the short-haired cats.
As the name suggests, the Russian Blue is believed to have originated in the USSR. It is believed sailors took them to western Europe in the 1860's and early records describe their thick, seal-like coats which were their natural protection against the very cold Russian climate. They were exhibited at the Crystal Palace cat shows in England from the mid-nineteenth century.
More recent developments are the Russian White and the Russian Black. Apart from their coat colours, they are identical to the Russian Blue.
One of the special features of the Russian Blue is its prominent whisker pads - they stand out like pin cushions. A good Russian Blue should have large, thinly-furred ears, small oval feet, slender legs and a narrow tail.
The distinctive coat is a lustrous, even coloured blue with silver tipped guard hairs.Patting a Russian has been described as feeling like running a silk scarf through your hands.
As a companion, the Russian Blue/White/Black has much to recommend it. A very quite cat, it uses its voice once in a blue moon, is very affectionate and devoted and is rather shy, gentle and home-loving and bonds very closely with its owner.


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